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Item Code: HFLG10000SBK
Price : $19.98
View Times : 7193 (Actived on 9/23/2008)
Volume : Medium
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Universal Type:
UTS8630, UTS8932, UTS8945, UTS7075, UTS1450, UTS7026, UTS8905, UTS7126M, SHID, SYKatana LX, SYS1, SY9000, SY5600, SY7500, SYM1, SY8400, SY3200, SY8500, SAMA970, SAMA940, SAMA920, SAMA900, SAMM500, SAMU520, SAMU540, SAMi760, SAMU550, SAMU700, SAMR410, SAMU900, SAMU470, SAMR210, PNC3B, PNC120, PALMTREO755P, PALMCentro, NK2135, NK6275i, MOTV540, MOTV361, MOTV360, MOTE398, MOTE1, MOTC650, MOTA840, MOTV365, MOTic902, MOTZ6TV, MOTV635, MOTV501, MOTW370, MOTw755, MOTSidekick Slide, MOTI335, MOTI425, LGLX260, LGVX8350, LGVX8800, LGVX5400, LGAX830, LGVX10000, LGENV2(LGVX9100), LGVX9800, LG535, LGC2000, LGCU400, LGVX9900, LGVX9400, LGLX570, KYOKX5, KYOK612, KYOK323, KYOS4000, KYOE1000, KYOK312, EZJ88b, BLACKBERRY8820, BLACKBERRY8100, BLACKBERRY8830, AUD180

LG 10000 / 9900 / TR690 SINGLE HANDS FREE features noise isolation, ultra comfortable silicone and pulsating bass you can actually feel. You can use this handfree when you are walking or driving. Integrated microphone lets you talk on the phone with the adapter connected.

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